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Kingdom Keys to the Supernatural Provision & Increase of God:


Get ready to learn HOW to operate in the KINGDOM KEYS to the Supernatural Provision and Increase of God as this powerful series opens your eyes to the revelation of the Scriptures and exposes the traditions and errors that have kept the Body of Christ from walking in the promised blessings of abundant provision and increase.


  Kingdom Keys to the Supernatural Provision & Increase of God:

Discover for yourself the amazing truths of how and where the traditional teachings of the Church have failed to bring forth the Biblical PROMISES of the provision and increase of God as stated in the Word of God. Part 1 uses the Scriptures to show clearly why what is traditionally taught is NOT working and HOW to access the promised blessings in your life. Free with your Donation of $12.00

The Scriptures state plainly that God’s plan for provision applies to every one of His children. Unfortunately, for most of God’s people they either have little knowledge of these promises, or they lack the understanding of how to access them. The result is that most of the Body of Christ is in debt, they suffer lack, and the people of God fail to walk in the supernatural provision of God that Christ purchased for us at the cross. Free with your Donation of $12.00

Most of God's beloved children are living far BELOW the provision and abundance that the Lord has ordained for his people. Even worse is the fact that the average Christian has no idea WHAT is available to them RIGHT NOW - or HOW to ACCESS it RIGHT NOW. This powerful series exposes many of the myths and errors traditionally taught and uses NEW Testament Scripture to teach the Body of Christ HOW to walk in the abundant provision that Christ paid for when He went to the cross.
Free with your Donation of $75.00  - [a $144.00 value]


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THE IMPORTANCE OF SPIRIT-LED GIVING ~~ It is God’s POWER in our life that makes His SUPERNATURAL provision available to us - and it is the EXERCISING of our FAITH that enables us to ACCESS that provision. As we move in faith by following the leading of the Spirit of God; a flow of  supernatural finances is made available that can be accessed only by faith. Get your copy of this powerful teaching today.  Free with your Donation of $12.00




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