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Bible Study: What is "Saved"?


What is Saved? What Does “Saved” Really Mean? So many of God's People are missing out on the numerous benefits that became theirs when they got ‘saved’ because they have no understanding of what became theirs when they received their salvation. This article is a brief synopsis of the complete audio message of the same name.

Below is a brief summary of the message: "What is "Saved?"

Listen to the complete message on CD and discover ALL the BENEFITS that became
yours when you received your salvation!
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Scripture Reference:
• ""But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and (the) THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY SALVATION, though we thus speak.." [Hebrews 6:9 KJV]

Did you notice that according to the Scriptures; there are THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY SALVATION!
There are so many scriptures that speak of salvation and being “saved” - But I believe that Romans 10:13 sums them all up in one glorious sentence:

• "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” [Romans 10:13 KJV]

So let me ask you: Are you “SAVED?”
If answered “yes” to the above question then let me ask you another:
What IS “Saved”?
What I mean is: What does the BIBLE teach regarding the meaning of the Word “Saved”.
Most Christians believe that being ‘saved’ means simply: “I get to go to heaven when I die”.
Yes, they believe in the remission of sins thru the shed blood of Christ – and yes they accept that God is their Heavenly Father and eternal life is theirs – But when you boil it all down the simple answer is that all they know or understand of the benefits that they received whey got ‘saved’ is that “They get to go to heaven when they die”.

But! According to the Bible there is much, much MORE!
As a matter of fact – according to the BIBLE – there is so much more that the Bible itself exhorts us to be care NOT to forget ALL THE BENEFITS that belong to us when we get ‘saved’.

• “Bless the Lord O’ my soul; and DON’T FORGET ALL HIS BENEFITS” [Psalm 103:2]

Unfortunately, most Christians HAVE forgotten the benefits that belong to them as born-again children of the Most-High God. Worse still, most never even LEARNED what those benefits were in the first place!

Can you name any of OTHER benefits that became yours when you ‘got saved’?
If not, then you are in good company because MOST Christians can’t name them either. And this is why most of God’s people have little or no understanding of what the word “SAVED” really means – And it is WHY most of God’s children are NOT experiencing the overflowing, victorious life of health and provision that Jesus said He came to give us in John 10:10.

All that most people know of God’s salvation is simply that they ‘get to go to heaven when they die’.
But there is so much more that was paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ – and the price He paid was not only to deliver us from eternal separation from God – But also to purchase for us healing, deliverance, provision, safety, soundness and much more. In other words, there ARE other "things" that accompany our salvation [Hebrews 6:9]

Yet like most people that never read their health insurance policy to find out what it covers and what it doesn’t, most of God’s people have little understanding of what GOD’S benefit package contains either.

I encourage you to listen to this powerful teaching and discover for yourself the amazing benefits that belong to EVERY child of God when they got ‘saved’ - And learn HOW you can begin to take advantage of those benefits right NOW!


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In addition to his contributions to this website Reverend W. C. Slyde Moran also has a weekly television show • Online Audio Studies • and an ever-increasing outreach ministry providing free Audio teachings on CD to enable the growth and maturing of the body of Christ.


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